Welcome back ladies to our 1st golf competition for 2024, although it was a monthly medal day not planned but the weather interrupted our official date of the 30th January. To the ladies who are recovering from injuries we hope to see you back soon.

We have our Irish open day coming up on the 12th March so would love to see a full field, now is the time to start asking all your friends to lock in the date. Once again we are very fortunate to have Marcie Irvin as our sponsor for the day. 

Our lucky Monthly Medal Winners for the 6th February are:
Division 1 – Debbie Mackenroth with a nett of 68
Division 2 – Jill Magee with a nett of 73.
Congratulations ladies and we look forward to the next one.

Our open charity day to lock in is Tuesday 30th April another fun filled day.